Hey, Yuri here!
Be sure to post in the new July Activity Check!

Rules & Information of DWRPG

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Rules & Regulations

The rules of this site will be strictly enforced, and must be read up on before you post! The character template and the secret words will also be found in here, so whether you want to or not.. you have to read these. It's not like everyone likes rules like these, but hey, they keep the site from falling apart. As a note to those who have problems finding the secret words, they are phrased differently than 'secret words' so that you don't just control find them. Though they're only in one section, by all means please read over the other rules. Thank you.

6 6 Yen (¥)
by Yuri Hitoehi
Jan 4, 2009 15:08:22 GMT -5
No New Posts Monthly Activity Checks

Of course, sadly enough, some members become quite inactive and clog up the total members list. So because of this, we have to have activity checks to see which members are active and who are not. These activity checks are released every month, typically on the fifteenth, and end anywhere from five to ten days later. If you're on vacation or something and you've posted an exit stage left or something, you'll be excused from posting in here for that month showing that you're active.

6 25 Demon Lord and Chosen Activity Check.
by Yuri Hitoehi
Jul 23, 2009 4:13:28 GMT -5
No New Posts Character Registration Database - 2 Viewing

In order to begin roleplaying, you must first have made a character and get it accepted. You can do so here. Be sure to post your bio in the New Characters area or else it won't be accepted or, for that matter, replied to. You can also view other characters and their bios in the Accepted Characters sub-board.

Sub-boards: New Characters, Accepted Characters, Character Lists

55 248 Tetsu "su" Oshida
by Tetsu Oshida
Aug 15, 2009 10:30:24 GMT -5
No New Posts D-Terminal Station - 1 Viewing

The D-Terminal is a useful device, allowing not only armor digivolution and enemy digimon information being shown, but also E-Mailing to those on a character's contact list! In this board, you must put down what characters are on your own's contact list, and when you send a message to someone, it goes in here - in-character style! Please follow the given template for sending messages or putting up contact lists.

Sub-boards: Contact Lists, Messaging and Notifications

40 820 Silvia's Contacts
by Silvia Reyes
Jul 26, 2009 8:38:25 GMT -5

Real World

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Park

The park is a great place to go on any day, in the Winter included, to have fun and run around. Of course, if you're not the type to be active like a younger person, well, there's always an option of sitting in the nice, warm sun and reading a book or doing your homework. There's a large lake in the park as well as a few benches to rest on. Trees scatter about and a beautiful, gray-stone pathway leads about the area.

4 82 Winds of Change [Invite Only; Private]
by つくね
Feb 25, 2009 19:21:03 GMT -5
No New Posts Amusement Park

The amusement park is massive, probably one of the largest in all of Japan! The best part about it, which probably got it famous besides all the rides, is probably that it's free! Now, let's nevermind how expensive food, drinks, ice cream, etc are, this is an awesome place! Just like the park, if you don't want to be taking rides like crazy, there's always a good place to sit on a bench and as well as an arcade room.

1 47 A ride to remember! No nothing like that! >> <<
by Frankie Zayas
Feb 24, 2009 20:52:58 GMT -5
No New Posts Hospital

Necessary for everyone's health, if you're sick or hurt, you can go here. Just be careful about how many visits you make here, because it can get quite expensive for treatments or diagnosis. It's open all twenty four hours of the day, seven days a week. Though, not through holidays. It's only fair sized but isn't some miniature building. The hospital offers eye vision checks as well as other essential things.

1 7 Bandaids, Needles, and Digimon {Open}
by shinigamiyoukai
Feb 7, 2009 1:48:54 GMT -5
No New Posts Strip Mall

Near the lot where the apartments and homes are lies a strip mall with a couple stores. While of course you could go to a full-blown mall and find twenty times the amount of stores in the area, this place isn't visited as much and is a pretty relaxing place. Actually, the relaxedness is because of how quiet it is most of the time. There's a few abandoned shops as well that strangely enough are not locked up, and provide good meeting places for any secretive thing such as digimon talk or digidestined deals.

Sub-boards: Chichi's Seafood and Stuff, Blockbuster, Abandoned Sprint Building, Abandoned Chipotle Building

2 35 A Craving For Fish
by gjtamer585
Mar 27, 2009 9:17:48 GMT -5
No New Posts Library

The library of the city is actually quite jam-packed with books, and has them on all sorts of topics. While of course nobody's published a thing about digimon, hey, it doesn't hurt to check, right? Rules of the library are as follows. One. Keep quiet at all times. Two. You may check out up to fifty books and no more. Three. All books are to be turned in on said due date. Four. Should a book be not turned in by the specified time, a dollar a day will be needed to be paid for a lost or unturned book. They're pretty strict on their books, uh, eheheh..

1 4 Ty at the Library
by gjtamer585
Jan 15, 2009 23:41:34 GMT -5
No New Posts Homes

Everyone's home is located here, and that includes apartments too! The apartment complex and the home lots are directly next to each other, so large-distance travel is typically not required to visit a friend nearby. Nearly everyone lives in a place here, and so it may get chaotic from time to time. When making your home thread, mark [H] if it's a house, if it's an apartment, and [O] if it's in another area besides the homes and apartments here.

12 159 Kyouki: The Beginning of an Adventure (H)(Private)
by Dairyuujin No Shi
Feb 11, 2009 8:22:19 GMT -5
No New Posts High School

Hey, tamer or not, we all need an education. No? Most of all the tamers go to high school and even those who aren't. The school is actually large and thus whenever talking at random times about digimon or random things, a mask of loud noise from other people talking is always present, especially in the cafeteria and in the bathrooms.

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Theater

The theater is absolutely massive! Every movie on the mind, at least, recent ones are usually the ones playing. It's one of the largest theaters in Japan, so it's a very popular attraction. But because of that, the price of food, drinks, and other things are jacked up incredibly high. So, if you feel like a snack or a box of Twizzlers or something, be sure to have at least eight bucks on hand.

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.

Digital World

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Signpost Jungle

A jungle of signposts. No, really. Miles and miles of stop signs, yield signs, and thousands of unidentified signs. If you have poor eyesight or are extremely clumsy, it isn’t recommended that you go here, you’re likely to break your nose or worse. The digimon living in this area are small and agile. It has been said that the signposts serve a purpose…..nah, who am I kidding?

1 1 Danger Ahead (open)
by Gamekrazy
Jan 23, 2009 18:58:57 GMT -5
No New Posts Delta Spring

A secluded area deep in the forest. Not many know about this area, and it is one of the most peaceful places in the Digital Land. In the center of this area, there is a spring with waters colored a shimmering blue. At night, the water itself seems to glow. There aren’t many Digimon around this area, and the ones that live there are usually peaceful. It has been said that the waters of the spring are blessed.

3 31 : Beginnings : (Open)
by suta
Sept 1, 2009 21:22:53 GMT -5
No New Posts Beta Beach

Ahh, the beach. The clear, sparkling blue water seems to encompass all line of vision that isn’t sand, sky, or palm tree. Yes, this is a prime relaxation spot for all kinds of digimon. However, don’t swim out too far. There are many dangerous Digimon lurking in the deep waters. If you aren’t careful, you could get swallowed by a Whamon! If you look really closely, there seems to be an Island out there…

2 71 As the sun sets...
by Silvia Reyes
Sept 11, 2009 6:05:16 GMT -5
No New Posts Freezeland

Brrr! It's cold, better hope you prepared your jacket. This connects to Misty Trees, the Net Ocean, and a mysterious underground cavern. Many ice-type digimon live here, and a rumored angelic castle has been said to be in the center of this frosty wonderland. Now, never mind that, if I said rumored, that would be a lie now, would it?

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Tropical Jungle

A deep jungle, filled with plant-digimon and many vending machines resides here. Be careful; it's very easy to get lost in the thick foliage. A small canyon resides to the northeast of the center of this jungle, and there's been a rumor going around of an invisible bridge of some sort. Well, who knows? Maybe just a joke so that someone can jump off a cliff?

1 45 Digital Era: First Contact
by Dairyuujin No Shi
Mar 4, 2009 7:34:51 GMT -5
No New Posts Native Forest

This is a place right outside of the abandoned Digital City, on all ends. Weak digimon patrol the area constantly, and have stolen most of the city's land. Watch out, though, as there's some rogue digimon gang going around here lately. There's also a small village of digimon hidden deep within the trees, but it's near impossible to find.

3 133 Leaving the Pack. ((Tag: Suta.))
by suta
May 16, 2009 8:31:29 GMT -5
No New Posts Toy Town

It's a town filled with toys! Jureimon guards this place personally, and if you even can get in, the hardest part of this place is getting out. Monzaemon, the teddy bear digimon, loves to play with everyone but most likely can get them killed rather than get them, uh, happy. Besides the fact, many toy type digimon such as ToyAgumon and Tankmon wander the streets and it is typically a joy-filled place. Typically.

1 20 >> Oh, joy [open]
by suta
Oct 15, 2009 14:10:53 GMT -5
No New Posts Misty Trees

First thought: It definitely earned its name! There's so many trees, you can't see where you're going, and even without the trees.. You wouldn't be able to see where you're going with all the intense mist and fog! Well, it just happens to be thanks to Jureimon, the same digimon who stands at the entrance of Toy Town. He keeps the Trees and the Town both safe from enemy digimon by blanketing Misty Trees with a powerful mist. Though, it does take a lot out of him and every so often he has to break.

3 18 ... (Open)
by つくね
Feb 25, 2009 19:54:01 GMT -5
No New Posts Great Canyon

Great Canyon is a huge canyon full of rocks, rocks, and more rocks! Well, not much more than that. Massive mountains tower over the canyon, and many unstable landings are spread about. Uh, did I say unstable landings? Yup. They break pretty easily under weight, and the falls are really long here and take at a minimum a good twenty seconds at the area past the entrance. Be careful here, a gang of rogue digimon have been attacking others lately! You can't get here unless you come from Freezeland or found the invisible bridge.

1 21 Sloth Takes a Stand...
by Frankie Zayas
Jan 10, 2009 11:37:17 GMT -5
No New Posts Loop Swamp

Yuck. This place is murky, damp, and chock full of amphibious digimon and frog-like creatures. Primarily, this is prodding at the Otamamon and Gekomon population who live in an old, Japanese-style dojo with their leader, ShogunGekomon. Well, the head honcho likes digimon cards from the Real World. Give him cards and he'll give you in return 'Merit Points' which you can use to trade for items and modify cards.

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.
No New Posts Gear Savannah

Large plains full of yellow and tall grass stand as far as the eye can see. A few signs are here and there, and even a large lake is slapped in the center. Don't venture where you don't know where you're going though, as you may end up in Trash Mountain, pretty much a sanctuary of Sukumon. But hey. They got lots of useful stuff that's hidden in their trash, poop, or whatever.. err... never mind.

2 33 Slow and steady...
by Silvia Reyes
Sept 11, 2009 6:13:07 GMT -5
No New Posts Sandy Dunes

A huge desert, barren of any plantlife other than the occasional Togemon. During the day, this area of the Digital World can reach scorching heights. However, when night falls, it can drop below freezing. Many digimon accustomed to sand live in this area. Be wary, they can pop out of the ground unexpectedly. There's been many rumors spreading around that some ancient Egyptian digimon have been taking interest in this area lately..

1 1 How Did We End Up Here? (Open)
by Sephifox
Apr 9, 2009 20:42:21 GMT -5
No New Posts Slimey Sewers

Ew! Get that green gunk away from me! Hate to say it but... we cant becuase this "green gunk" is everywhere. So watch your step you wouldnt want your shoes getting covered with filth. Of course these sewers wouldn't be complete with some pesky Numemon. Hey they arn't all that bad despite thier stentch! But how do you even wind up in these sewers? Lets just say, don't fall into any quick sand in the Sandy Dunes. You just might end up here. Oh did I mention the random broken pipes that stick out from the ground, so watch your step!

0 0 No posts have been made on this board.

General Discussion & Out of Character

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No New Posts Welcomes and Farewells

Should a member need to leave or want to post a thread about joining the site, or coming back to it, they need to do it here. Yuri's lazy and needs to make a longer description.

23 74 >> Holidays <<
by Silvia Reyes
Aug 17, 2009 0:14:55 GMT -5
No New Posts DFRPG Lobby

Hey, why not kick back and relax and chill out for a bit in between posting and doing whatever real life stuff you're doing? You can discuss random stuff with the members, as long as it follows the rules (obviously) and chat. Games go into the games room, so please put those there and not here!

Sub-board: Contests and Competition

8 64 A New Game...
by Dairyuujin No Shi
Apr 7, 2009 0:30:53 GMT -5
No New Posts Games Room

Woot! Games! If you're bored and want to play one with another member, then by all means, do so here! Please refrain from posting discussion threads in here, since it's a games room anyways. And same goes for the vice versa. Now, let's play the game of 'freak out on Yuri because she made a short description' game!

2 453 Digimon Hangman
by suta
Sept 12, 2009 14:42:32 GMT -5
No New Posts Artist's Closet - 1 Viewing

Yes, the artists - whether in real life or digitally, they sit there in closets. But you see, in order to get away from the Cloverfield monster, you gotta hide in closets. So they have brains. Blah.

5 36 Nami's arts.
by NamixthexFox
Mar 31, 2009 22:44:13 GMT -5
No New Posts Writer's Notepad

Yup, the writers have their own notepads! Lucky them that they're not stuck sharing one, then we'd run out of pages immediately! Oh, you can tell since the description's small and weird, I'm tired.

6 41 Digimon Dusk: Evolved and Digimon Zero
by Gamekrazy
Jun 19, 2009 12:35:17 GMT -5

Staff & Support

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No New Posts Staff Corner

Writing good descriptions pain me.

12 81
No New Posts Complaints

Was there something wrong with the site? Was a member breaking rules randomly? Was a staff member abusing his/her power? Post in here to let it be known, and the staff will be able to get to it as soon as possible in hopes of resolving the problem, issue, or whatever the thing was posted here. Please only post things here if it's nessicary, and constructive criticism for the site is much-needed!

4 43 Concerns....
by Yuri Hitoehi
Jul 23, 2009 4:02:21 GMT -5
No New Posts Questions and Answers

Questions are common things that we come across daily. And of course, you may have a question about the site. If you need to ask it, then feel free to. And do it in here, please. You can question anything, but if it's about another member or staff's actions, then try and tone down on 'oh, I thought this, but of course blah did this. what a jerk' sort of thing.

1 2 Question on the D-terminal
by >-/~.:Kiki:.~\-<
Feb 26, 2009 19:09:18 GMT -5
No New Posts Advertising and Affiliation

Got a cool site you'd like to share with us? Want to have some member traffic between this site and another? Awesome, post up an application up here! Remember, before you can post up an affiliation form, you must have our banner up first. It's quite rude to just 'affiliate' yet not have the other site's banner. It's just one-sided traffic then. And don't think that you can remove our banner after wards, we check those things.

Sub-boards: Advertising, Affiliation

64 70 Blessed
by charmed
Dec 13, 2010 10:47:23 GMT -5


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